22LR Test: CCI Mini-Mags vs Standard

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Recently I conducted a head-to-head accuracy-test between CCI, Federal, and Aguila 22LR. In that test, surprisingly (to me) CCI-Mags 36gr HP (Hollow-Point) came in last place with the loosest groups. I wondered if this result was because I was shooting the hollow-point variety.

This week I compared three different CCI cartridges, Mini-Mag 36gr HP, Mini-Mag 40gr CPRN, and Standard Velocity 40gr LRN. I tested 5-rounds of each ammo at 6″ targets 50yrds. And averaged the results of 3 sets of tests and rotated each ammo type to average out the effects of barrel heating barrel. As with the previous test, I used my Ruger 10/22 Takedown as my testbed rifle.

Here were the detailed results measured using the Range Buddy app.

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Creative Director, Content Creator, and Game Producer

Tom "Moondog" DelMundo is a former NYC Creative Director.

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One Response

  1. Donald hall

    Unless it’s a headshot, the 22lr is not a show stopper. Guy weighs 240lbs with a jacket on, shots to the torso might not drop him. Don’t cause enough internal damage. I met a guy shot twice in the side torso with 9mm, he said he didn’t even know he was wounded? 357, 10mm, 45, game changers game stoppers!

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